BC Rich - Rich ‘B’ Legacy Double Neck


Regular price $1,950.00

Crafted in Korea. Double neck. 12 and 6 String, Trans red gloss finish! Its dual neck-through mahogany body design provides lightning-fast access to the highest frets on its 24-fret two-octave necks, and comes standard with two sets of Duncan Designed HB-103 pickups. The upper neck is a twelve-string guitar with a simple volume, volume, tone and 3-way pickup selector. It also features a fully adjustable B.C. Rich Quad bridge and rear-mounted tuners below the bridge. The lower neck of the Bich is strung as a traditional six-string. The six-string’s harmonious sounds can be further sculpted with its 5-position varitone filter knob, two coil tap switches and reverse phase switch, providing guitarists with hundreds of new tones to be explored.