All Keyboard Synths, Pianos, MIDI, Samplers, Drum Machines & Sound Modules
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From $10.00
Roland - SK-500
SK-500 Sound Canvas 49-Key 64-Voice Synthesizer
Regular price $50.00
SK-500 Sound Canvas 49-Key 64-Voice Synthesizer
Regular price $50.00
61 key USB Keyboard Studio. 4 assignable rotary encoders. An arpeggio ‘phrase factory’ with over 340 patterns, transport and track mute and solo controls, and programmable velocity curve control. Missing one knob.
Regular price $149.00
61 key USB Keyboard Studio. 4 assignable rotary encoders. An arpeggio ‘phrase factory’ with over 340 patterns, transport and track mute and solo controls, and programmable velocity curve control. Missing one knob.
Regular price $149.00
Jamstik - JSMG172100
A versatile and portable MIDI controller, the Jamstik+ connects via 3.5mm adaptor to 5 pin midi, Bluetooth or USB* to your phone, tablet or computer* so you can play guitar, compose, or produce with any of the 100s of compatible MIDI apps or DAWs available. It's easy to take with you at just over 16 inches long. w/ gig bag + midi adaptor + manual
Regular price $999.00
A versatile and portable MIDI controller, the Jamstik+ connects via 3.5mm adaptor to 5 pin midi, Bluetooth or USB* to your phone, tablet or computer* so you can play guitar, compose, or produce with any of the 100s of compatible MIDI apps or DAWs available. It's easy to take with you at just over 16 inches long. w/ gig bag + midi adaptor + manual
Regular price $999.00
Yamaha MR10 - Professional Studio System Analog Drum Machine - Made in Japan in the 80’s. 16 pads
Regular price $200.00
Yamaha MR10 - Professional Studio System Analog Drum Machine - Made in Japan in the 80’s. 16 pads
Regular price $200.00
Regular price $425.00
Control Synthesiser. Made in Japan. Very cool! Analog Modelling with Arpeggiation, Filter Cutoff and Res control. Excellent Drum, Synth, Pad, Brassy and FX sounds.
Regular price $425.00
Roland - MV-30
STUDIO M Music production System w/ box, manuals, PSU, random floppy disks, OS disk - **no sounds loaded**
Regular price $350.00
STUDIO M Music production System w/ box, manuals, PSU, random floppy disks, OS disk - **no sounds loaded**
Regular price $350.00
CASIO - WK-220
Keyboard with recorder, metronome, drum machne. /w carry bag and PSU
Regular price $130.00
Keyboard with recorder, metronome, drum machne. /w carry bag and PSU
Regular price $130.00
Carlbro - Okto A
Drum Pads in the style of a Roland Octa pad. /w bag, psu and stand
Regular price $270.00
Drum Pads in the style of a Roland Octa pad. /w bag, psu and stand
Regular price $270.00
Yamaha - PSR-E233
/w box and psu
Regular price $120.00
/w box and psu
Regular price $120.00
Donner - Midi Keyboard
Great condition, Midi keyboard with percussion pads. /w box and USB cord
Regular price $80.00
Great condition, Midi keyboard with percussion pads. /w box and USB cord
Regular price $80.00
31 Key - Portable fun keyboard! in box.
Regular price $70.00
31 Key - Portable fun keyboard! in box.
Regular price $70.00