Hiwatt - Custom Tube Overdrive


Regular price $150.00

HIWATT Custom Tube Overdrive (Pre-amp)
The Custom Tube Overdrive uses a 12AX7 tube valve that can be activated by any power supply that provides anywhere between 9 to 12V.
Specially designed EQ can widely adjust sound characteristics, differentiating the CTO from all standard tube overdrive pedals and preamps. The tube is easily accessible and can be replaced with other tubes if desired, giving you tons of possibilities especially when running it through different amplifiers.
Controls on the pedal are DRIVE, TONE, and LEVEL. Keeping it simple, yet effective. Perfect for those looking for the Hiwatt tone without spending thousands on a new amplifier.
Also extremely effective when used as a booster on lower gain to boost other gear. Power supply not included.
In very good condition and in perfect working order!